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Fort Hall Elementary - Bucks for Books
This Donation will buy a book for Fort Hall Elementary in Fort Hall. Their Librarian says "Our students do not have easy access to books. They live a significant distance away from any public library. There also is not always support at home to encourage reading. My hope is to be able to provide books that are engaging and applicable to our students, so that they have access to books that will spark excitement for them. This truly is the only library within easy distance for many of our students, and I would love to provide as wide a range of books as I can to appeal to the many interests that our students have. My hope is that with an increase in new and exciting books available to them, our students interest in reading will grow."
Terms and Conditions
In 2019, the Idaho Lottery learned 28 percent of Idaho elementary schools had a library budget of less than $100 per year for book procurement. In reality, it would take nearly $8,000 every year per school to maintain the library collection students need to succeed. With that in mind, the Idaho Lottery worked with the Idaho Commission for Libraries to start Bucks For Books. Literacy has been a focus of Idaho Governor Brad Little since he took office in 2019. Getting all Idaho students reading at grade level by the third grade is imperative as that is the point where students transition from learning-to-read to reading-to-learn. Having a well-stocked library and the ability for all students to take books home is crucial in getting all Idaho students where they need to be.